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MagicForm.AI: Frequently Asked Questions

Stuck on something? We’re here to help with all your questions and answers in one place.
How does the hallucination control work, in detail?
When the AI learns about your business, it builds a bank of question-answer pairs. When a customer asks a question, we search that bank for the most similar questions that we have answers too. We can measure the similarity and if its not above a proprietary threshold, we instruct the AI to respond that it doesn't have the answer.
Can I integrate this with Zapier to send my leads and conversations wherever I want?
Yup! Simply connect to Zapier and get your API key from the Launch page and you're all set
Can MagicForm send me lead notifications via email?
Yes, you can set up the automations to send lead notifications to any set of emails you enter.
How many Agents can I have on the Enterprise Plan
Unlimited Agents and Messages
Is it powered by GPT-4?
Yes, on our premium plans the responses are completely powered by GPT-4
What happens if I want to change or edit the answer it provided?
While you're reviewing a conversation, just click on the message to edit and save a new response or view the learned knowledge used to answer and directly edit.
How does it learn the details on my business from my website?
Great question! When you scan your website or upload documents it will extract out knowledge and add it to your knowledge base.
Can I customize the questions I want it to ask and in what order?
Yes, you have full control over what information you'd like your AI to collect from your prospects.